Almost there .. but, not likely to see any snow, where I live.
Gonna share the day, on a dam, with family (like 30 people), and just veg.
Starting to look back at the yr, and what, if anything I achieved.
1. Played a lot more golf .. this was good and bad .. the crowd I play with, are elderly, and a few pop-off every now and again. The troubling thing, is that when I play with them, they seem fine .. and develop cancer, a few weeks/mths later, and seem to not last more than 6 mths.
Its a sick disease - and u really just gotta give thanks, when u wake up in the morning.
Best round of the yr .. a 83 .. and I def have the potential to go lower - especially if I put some work in at the gym. Been playing squash with the kids, and I have a few mths, before they beat me into the ground, so .. am enjoying it.
2. Watched a deal of cricket .. and the markets / technology are changing. U have to keep moving, to stay ahead, and try and pay the bills ..
3. Really enjoying some Vlogs .. I must give a shout-out to this one .. its about 20 Vlogs in .. and its v decent :
4. Spent 7 weeks in the USA, and looking forward to returning, next yr .. hopeful we can mix in some sports betting, and even more hopeful, more states legalise it, within 2 yrs.
Thanks for all the postive messages .. am short various financial indexes, and long dollar. Expect the worst !!
Anyway .. basically, more of the same .. hope u all have a peaceful time over the festive season.
I will not be playing golf with you! Good luck and happy holidays