Sunday 23 April 2017

Tennis Balls and High Blood Pressure

This blog hasnt re-invented itself, but, here is a health tip.

Recently listened to a podcast, where they analysed the blood pressure of ultra-fit fighter pilots.

Some had high blood pressure, some low. It seemed random, but, u would have thought, they would all have been low.

After comparison of the habits of both sets .. it was found, those pilots that gripped the joy-stick firmly, all had lower pressure.

To try and improve the blood pressure of the other group, simple exercises were created.

Get 2 tennis balls, hold one in each hand, firmly for 6 secs, then relax and repeat for 3 times. This was done for 6 sets .. so, the exercise takes maybe 5 mins max ..

After 2 weeks, all the pilots had dramatically improved blood pressure.

Try it .. whats to lose ?

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Truth and Honesty

I'm in an odd spot right now, in that lots of things are passing me, which, I would normally comment on, but, its either too sensitive, or too informative, to be just passed on, to the general public.

That probably sounds pretentious .. spot on - live with it.

In a poker forum, I came across this quote/passage, which, I think applies to most things :

You will not make money in the market, unless you are smarter and more knowledgeable than the money weighted average of the market participants, in whatever niche you choose.

By commenting in a blog, my information - unless its bogus, has to increase the overall market knowledge, thereby making it harder to win. As I sell nothing, this is not my job, and its a -EV spot, to help people.

Social media is a full tapestry of people.

I was watching a cricket game in New Zealand, where the rain had been relentless, and it was fairly clear the last day of the test match would be rained out, resulting in a draw.

Being there Live, I know this post by Morty, was a blatent falsehood .. but, its interesting, the tweet, caused the draw price to spike to +/- 1.50, which was just theft.

This was reality :

And, 1.15 the draw, was if anything, a good price.

I dont think people should be allowed to get away with this. Morty has a history,  of doing this shit, and, its wrong. Weather u can sue, for posting known lies, is a bit debateable, but, I think people should be aware, what can happen.

Saturday 8 April 2017

The Feds finally got Billy

Billy Walters is a legendary sports bettor in Las Vegas, and has been hounded by the authorities for many years.

He has been accused of many infractions of the law, over his 70 yrs, but, this is the first time, hes been found guilty. Am sure he will appeal .. likely to get 5 yrs+, as it stands.

(Phil Mickleson - who I once saw in a UK betting shop, asking what 'cartoon racing' was .. maybe dodged a bullet, by paying an admission of guilt fine, a yr or so ago)